
May 31, 2023

June 7: Public Comment on APS Rate Hike

To speak in person, please complete a request to speak.

Please consider the following asks of APS and the ACC are:

  • APS should retire the Four Corners Power Plant prior to 2031 and replace it with lower-cost renewable energy, which would save ratepayers money and reduce pollution.
  • Ratepayers should not have to pay for APS’s irresponsible, unjustified spending to keep the costly, dirty Four Corners Power Plant running until 2031.
  • APS should switch Four Corners to seasonal operations in 2023 as originally planned.
  • APS should close Cholla Power Plant by no later than 2025 as scheduled.
  • The ACC should approve funding for Coal Community Transition for communities impacted by coal plant retirements. APS’s proposed funding of $106.5 million CCT funding proposal is an important first step and should be approved by the Commission.
  • APS should increase investments in energy efficiency and demand-side management (DSM) programs that save ratepayers money.
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